Retrain Your Breathing for (COPD)Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease
COPD is a chronic disease affecting the lungs, which can have a profound impact on overall well-being. It results in difficulty breathing, persistent coughing, and limitations in physical activity, and if not effectively addressed, it can worsen over time and severely impact daily life. Individuals with COPD can greatly benefit from acquiring knowledge about integrating self-care practices and adopting a healthy lifestyle in conjunction with any required medical interventions.
Cessation of smoking, maintaining physical fitness and strength, achieving optimal weight, avoiding exposure to air pollutants, effectively managing respiratory infections, and following an anti-inflammatory diet can significantly contribute to preserving lung function and improving overall well-being.
Breathlessness in individuals with COPD can be exacerbated by the following factors:
Over-expansion of the lungs
Anxiety and fear related to breathlessness
Weak and tense breathing muscles
Dysfunctional breathing patterns
The objectives of Retrain Your Breathing for COPD are as follows:
Enhance breathing efficiency and gas exchange
Strengthen and relax the breathing muscles
Alleviate breathlessness
Minimize the stress associated with the disease.
Learning techniques to regulate breathing and prevent it from becoming uncontrollable can be immensely beneficial in managing COPD and preserving one's ability to actively participate in life.
Retrain Your Breathing program for COPD has proven to be highly effective, especially when it incorporates relaxation and mindfulness techniques. These practices have shown a positive impact on stress management and can also contribute to reducing inflammation in the body, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with COPD.